In English: Smarter, smart car
Dear Jane Personalized,
We know you're trying. Really hard. You bought your cute little yellow smart car, which helps identify you as a forward-thinking person worried about the environment. That's fantastic. You also have a license plate pledging your support for breast cancer research. Highly commendable. And also, we realize that apparently if you buy a Smart Car, you sign a contract pledging to get a personalized license plate referencing the fact you bought a Smart Car. There are no winners in this situation, we know. But with that said, never, we repeat, never, go the easy route when you are getting a personalized plate with the word "smart" on it. Because doing so, and misspelling said word, either to indicated that you are "smarter" than someone else or that you have a "smart car" but don't have room for the c, a, or other a, might reflect poorly on you in the end. You might not appear smart or smarter. You might appear SMRT.
Plate Shame, esquire
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